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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Like Mother, Like Daughter

When I was a little girl, my mom said that I always tried to climb into this basket and sit in it. This past weekend Ella kept going in the other room to climb into the basket too. Of course I had to take advantage of this photo opportunity. Me at 15 months - December 1982Ella at 13 months



wow ella looks ALOT like you :) It is fun to see :)

The O'Connor Family said...

So cute...she does look so much like you!

The Geurinks said...

Haha, that's cute! I think you looked just like your mom when you were little!!

The Rotman's said...

Precious. Love it.

Greg and Shawna said...

And that is the exact same basket? Amazing it held up with all that cargo :) Cut pictures!

Bruce, Annie, Avery & Jack said...

She is SOOO You Jill. Gorgeous!