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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Farewell to my Friend

I just wanted to properly wish my dear friend Sarah a fine farewell! Sarah Clark (next to me in the middle) left MI on 5/22 to move back to her roots and her family in Kentucky and will be starting a new job at "Save the Children". She worked with me at Hilliard Lyons and Raymond James and was a dear friend of mine. I am such a sap in general and have an especially hard time saying good-bye to people and this time was no different. I have only worked without Sarah now for 2 days now but I feel like there is such a void at our office without her. I could not be more thrilled that she is doing something that means so much to her but I am selfishly sad to have her at a distance. I just wanted to say I miss you Sarah and I hope that your first day at your new job goes awesome! Love you girl!

(Also in this picture is Tina and Kathy whom I love to work with as well!)

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