Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am finally writing in to announce the news that we are having.... a baby girl! I wanted to blog last Thursday when we had our ultrasound, but I wanted to wait until my Dr's appointment today to hear if all was okay. The Dr. said that if there was a report card, the baby would get an A+ (which we are not surprised about considering who her parents are:) The ultrasound was one of the most amazing things that I have ever witnessed in my life. I figured that I would just be bawling like a baby but really I just couldn't stop smiling - I was mesmerized by the fact that I was getting to see my baby for the first time...inside my stomach no less. It was bizarre seeing my insides so up close and personal. When the technician finally starting showing us the baby (after the excruciating pain of having to pee for like 2 hours was over), it was indescribable. Granted, we couldn't see every perfect little feature of hers, but we saw the basic outline of the new love of our lives. I did shed a few tears when I seen that little heart beating - the heart rate was at 143 - it was a sense of joy and relief. Its not that I had negative thoughts but I guess since my pregnancy has been pretty easy-going so far, I sometimes didn't feel very pregnant and was like - do I really have a baby in there? It meant so much to me and Brad to see her. The best part was when we had a really good close up of her face and she started opening and closing her mouth! To all you out there that have been through this before or have children now, maybe this sounds trivial, but my goodness, that was such a blessing to see! They said that she was 15cm and 11oz. Although that seems really tiny, she has never seemed more big or real to us. I am now half way through the pregnancy - 20 weeks! - and starting to feel some commotion from her - yea!!! I must say I am really enjoying pregnancy, but we cannot wait to have her out so we can meet her!


TracyVDM said...

Congrats, you guys! And, Jill, it's not trivial at all. It is a truly miraculous experience. Someone asked me during my pregnancy with Isabella, "are you even excited about your ultrasound since you're not going to find out what it is?" Um...duh! we're still going to see our BABY! :) It's an awesome experience...whether the first, or the third child. It's the same joyful and amazing experience. We are so happy for you guys. You will make wonderful parents. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww....This is just too precious! I love your little one already--I can't imagine the love you feel!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, NOT trivial at all!! It is so exciting to see your baby for the first time. It's just amazing and such a relief to see the heart beating and hear the dr say she gets an A+. It is an emotional and awesome experience to see your baby for the first time. We're so excited for you guys. Enjoy those little kicks and movements. I always liked that Jonathan and I had that special bond, because only I could feel ALL the movements. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

p.s. When do those of us who live painfully far away get to see that baby bump???????