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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Although the summer weather has been brief so far this season, we have had some fun playing outside, going to the pool and visiting the beach. Ella seems to really love being outside so we try to get outside to play when we can. Here are some pics of some fun in the sun!Brad blowing bubbles and Ella giggling when they popElla showing off her standing skills on the front lawn:)Ella playing in the front yard in her kiddy pool...she was a little more interested in picking the grass and grabbing the leaves outside of the pool than the actual water but whatever works:)Ella chillin at the pool at the gym (we need to put our gym membership to good use somehow:)Ella at Holland Beach...we went to visit Great Grandpa/ma Essenburg when they were camping at the state park...a little dipping in the water, a little sun bathing, and a little sand eating. (I don't know if you know my husband well or not but the above picture proves that Ella takes after her daddy with her facial expressions...he seriously makes that exact face sometimes!) The family in Saugatuck taking a stroll Ella and Mommy at the Grand Haven pier


The Rotman's said...

Kennedy likes Ella's uncle Brad face best. She thinks that's silly. Darling pics. Glad you're enjoying the summer sun. I hope it comes back. :-)

TracyVDM said...

The expression picture is priceless! Ella looks like she's having a blast this summer!

Kylee said...

haha she does look like brad! that's scary. well it looks like you're all having a fun summer. hopefully it stays nice out for a while!