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Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend at the cottage on Big Star Lake. We finally got to enjoy the sunshine and unwind a bit. We discovered that going up to Brad's parents cottage is quite a different experience with a child:) It takes twice as long and three times as much stuff to pack, just laying out in the sun all day and reading doesn't really happen, and little girls who are spoiled with tons of constant attention don't like to nap or sleep regularly:) All in all, it was tons of fun to be there and it was awesome to see how much she enjoyed it...just a little bit less relaxing that what we were used to:)

Ella experiencing a boat ride for the first time...obviously she wasn't scared:)Ella showing off her flirty look:) Ella and Auntie Betsy soaking up the sunshine
Ella and Grandma Koning

Ella and Mommy about to take a snooze on the boat
Do we look alike?

Floating fun with Daddy-O Ella was throughly amused with Macie all weekend...they are best least until Lily (her new baby cousin) is old enough to really play with.

Ella experiencing sand for the first time...she was not that impressed:)

Grandpa Koning and Ella having a little one-on-one time.


The Robinsons said...

Such a doll in her sunhat and cute swimsuit. Looks likes you guys are loving being parents!

Greg and Shawna said...

Her sun hat is amazing! I love it! And, though I still think she looks like her daddy, that picture of the two of you definitely shows she has some of you in her too! I miss you guys!

The Rotman's said...

I love the second pic of her in the sun hat. Too cute! Looks like you had a fun weekend!

Kylee said...

pretty daring on the boat! i guess it's best to get them used to the water early on because they're going to be around it quite a bit. the cottage will get more relaxing with just gotta get used to it again! hopefully she's sleeping better by the time i get up there since i'm right next door :)

The O'Connor Family said...

She is so pretty!! And yes, the sun hat picture is adorable! Glad that you guys had a great weekend!